Sunday, November 12, 2006
Hurray!!! I stayed home without going out with friends this weekend. =D So happy with my little accomplishment. Wahahaha.

I have been seeing Eilin every weekend since I think the 3rd week of SIP till now and FINALLY I did not see her this week. Hohoho. BUT, I will be meeting her tomorrow. Lol.

I went to UOB on Saturday to open an account to apply for a debit card. Hey, I am not rich just that I want to separate my spending away from my savings. Haha.

Other than the UOB trip, I stayed at home all day. =D I chatted with my cousin, the one who is turning 21 this coming Friday, for 2 days straight. She is certainly making me go crazy. Lol. We joked and chit chat whatever things that come into our minds. Most of the times, she is talking non-sense and I am replying non-sense as well. Wahahaha. =P

Can't wait for this Friday. Sitting by the beach, enjoying Vodka and going crazy together with my cousins. Lol. My cousins and I can really go all crazy when we were together. In fact, since when we haven't? Wahahaha. Staying overnight and hopefully a movie marathon. =D I hope I can survive through the night without falling asleep before sunrise. Hehe. Not sure if the view at Changi will be good. Hohoho. Maybe we will go ah-gua hunting. Haha.
posted by Kelly.Kel at 4:36 AM |