Monday, October 30, 2006
Ok, I am totally pissed off. Pissed off by this particular person who thinks he is a know-it-all.

WTF. (Sorry about my language, just take the F as fish.)

I just merely asked a question and ending it with a small joke and he said that I made a big fuss out of it. How I know he left his phone at home? How I know his gf will go and read this sms and make a big fuss out of it?

HELLO!!! I am not the one who is making a fuss but YOUR gf. So what is going on?

You just won't listen and it just shows that you are stubborn. Told you I didn't mean to give your gf a big woohaa. Apologize and you just won't listen. Don't know what got into your brain.

You think I love to have people giving me a dressing down? WTF. Don't make me mad at the end of the day when I have a great day today. WTH.
posted by Kelly.Kel at 5:38 AM |