Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Happy New Year!

I am late by 3 days. =) New year eve, we had our usual reunion dinner with the exception of my 2nd uncle's presence. My 2nd aunt cried a little. Other than that, the rest were all fine. Everyone were laughing, joking and eating. Yummy. We bbq some food plus our tradition, Bai Cai Tang (Some veggie soup). =) Yum yum.

Day 1 started with wishing the elders a Happy New Year and I started helping to prepare the goodies for the guests. Thought my uncle will be lending his car to us again this year but no no. Could be because we brought Noby and Ham Ham into my grandmother's room. Poor them. =P We went to my grandma's house and I chit-chat with my cousins and played with my youngest cousin, Joey. Haha. She is so cute and naughty too. She pulled my hand and snatched my 'ang pao'. Haha. Naughty girl.

Next stop is my granduncle's house. No more dog at his house this year. My dad refers to this granduncle as (I don't remember is) 5th or 6th granduncle and we refer him as the doggy granduncle. Haha. No idea where his doggies went to. He used to kept 2 doggies who are very smart. They can remember your scent for 1 whole year. The 1st year we met the doggy, he is so friendly that he kept circling us. The 2nd year we went, he is waiting for us at the doorstep with another doggy. This year, no more doggy. Sad.

Next stop is my grandfather's god-brother's house. The main topic that we chat about is my brother's camp.

Not sure if you guys watched the news on new year eve. There is this news that a guy who lost his gun in the forest behind the camp and all NS men were called back to search for the gun. This guy, happened to be from my brother's camp and my brother was among the lot that was called back. The guy said he went to release his bladder and left his gun with his mates against a tree and when he came back, he just pick up whatever he had and left with his mates. It is until almost the end of the journey, the guy realized that he lost his gun. Then he said that it was lost in the middle of the forest. Immediately, the mates went back to combed for the gun but they couldn't find it. So all NS men from that camp were called back. According to my bro, he said that at night, several high-ranking NS men went to search for the gun in the middle of forest with dogs and metal detector but they couldn't find the gun.
The next morning, those NS men called back formed a long line and slowly walked into the forest. Not even a few metres into the forest, the gun was found. It was near to where they entered the forest and is leaning against a tree. Heard that that guy will be jailed and he was locked up during the search process to prevent him from running away and as well as commit suicide. Now, they had no idea what will happen to that guy.
After chatting and eating, we went home. Several people came to my house and left very quickly.
Day 2 is a busy day. Relatives came to my house to send their wishes to my grandfather and grandmother. My house was exploding. About 60 plus people came and they left in the late afternoon. A lot of things happened. I was scratched by Noby and my cousin's wedding video is missing.
Day 3 is pretty boring, only my uncles came and they left very quickly. Now my house is so quiet and peaceful. Although I love chatting with my cousins and elders, I also love peace and quietness. I can think all I want and sleep late. Haha. Yahoo....
I am falling in love with Hong Kong shows. Unlike Taiwan shows where mainly there are the rich people and leads met when they were young, Hong Kong shows gives me a total different feeling. The way they act, the storyline and everything is so different. I am beginning to like Wan Qi Wen, Yi Tian Zhao, Gu Tian Le and Sammi Cheng. Hehe. I like Hong Kong and Taiwan shows!
posted by Kelly.Kel at 1:57 AM |