Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Today started with a mini IG meeting and followed by a BSC meeting. Time flies and in no time, we are at The Hereen, NYDC.

It is my first time to NYDC and I am so afraid that it will cost a lot. I had a pasta and cola float which comes up to about $20, inclusive of service charge and GST. The 13 of us (Weiting, Cristy, Samuel, Michelle, Brown, Lincoln, Alex, Yuxiu, Frances, Sharon, Rachel, Zoe and me) chit chat and played number guessing.

When the bill came, we thanked Samuel. Haha. He was very shocked when he saw the bill. It came up to a $223.90 for the 13 of us so we started paying Samuel the money but somehow the amount is wrong. o.0 Haha. And to think that we are from A&F. Ooops. =P

After which, we went to Taka and decided to take some pictures:

Trying our best to fit a total of 11 into my phone camera is really a task. Haha. We wanted to take picture with the x'mas tree but too bad, that is the best my phone can do. =D

However, I managed took a picture of the x'mas tree ALONE:

Its beautiful isn't it?

Next, we walked around Taka and decided to rest our legs at The Coffee Club and the potato wedges is so tempting. Decided to take a picture of it. Yum yum. Haha.

I left early and that ends the whole IG outing for me. Looking forward to the next. =)
posted by Kelly.Kel at 6:35 AM |