Saturday, September 09, 2006
I am thinking of switching off my handphone for a day. Will that be good? I feel like I am a slave of my handphone now. When it rings, I have to pick it up immediately or read my sms immediately. I want to throw my phone aside and have a day of peace. Can I?

I think I will throw my phone aside tomorrow. If you guys want to reach me, call my house. I may answer or may not answer. I just don't wish to be a slave of own handphone. I want to relax for a day before we start our internship. Or you may want to see if you can get me on MSN. Just a little note, I may be away from the keyboard most of times.

I felt so bored. I want to eat pasta. Anyone wants to join me? Go parkway find Eilin and eat pasta? I am missing baked pasta now. ARGH!!~ I want baked pasta!!!
posted by Kelly.Kel at 3:47 AM |