Saturday, September 02, 2006
I thought my fever went down yesterday, then I stopped taking the fever medicine. Now it came back and I was so blur that I forget that my knee is made of flesh and bone so I go and hit my knee against the wood. Now it is bleeding and I couldn't walk properly. Too painful. It hurts so badly. I want a walking stick.

Hopefully I didn't hurt my nerves again. I don't want to do therapy AGAIN. Though my therapist is a really cute guy. Haha. He is from Hongkong and has the accent when he speaks. I think I got affiliate with people from Hongkong. Meet so many people from Hongkong. Haha.

Hey, my knee hurts like hell and I am talking about my therapist. I must be really mad.
posted by Kelly.Kel at 3:02 AM |