Tuesday, August 29, 2006
My dad is thinking of moving AGAIN. Not that I have moved house before, it is just that my dad had been talking about it since I was in secondary 1. That is like 7 years already.

And guess this time where my dad want to move to? Next block. Gosh. Not that I don't like my neighbourhood. I love it. Everything is nearby and is one of the most convenient area in Tampines. But, I thought we are going to try to get the new private flats at the central. Hmmmm...

It doesn't really matter to me afterall. I just want a room of mine. Haha. As long as you give me a room big enough for my to sleep, study and play, I am very happy. Haha. My mum is going to view the place later in the evening today. Hope that it will be successful. Hehe.
posted by Kelly.Kel at 6:59 PM |