Monday, March 13, 2006
No no, its not those love confession. =P Its a confession of the idea of this new layout. Hehe.

Well, I am kind of sick and tired of having so many little windows in 1 blog and having to click here and there to go to profile, etc. Well, after much thinking, I decided to change my blogskin to something very simple, like Leanne's and Guiqi's blog. =D So I went to blogskin and typed 'simple'. Well, all the blogskins that came out are so confusing and yet they actually put the title as 'simple'. -.-"

So in the end I went back to Blogger to pick a new template. Then I realized, Leanne's and Guiqi's template came from there. Hehe. =P Then I clicked on this new layout and I am really cluless of what to place in to make it more interesting or well, better looking. So I take bits and pieces of ideas from Leanne's and Guiqi's blog again. =P

Then TADA, it became the new layout now. So ya, Leanne and Guiqi, if you find it very similiar to your blog, please don't be angry. =)
posted by Kelly.Kel at 6:53 PM |